Saturday, July 28, 2007


Internet has become the biggest buzz around the world. Everyone is hooked up to it. It has helped us in many different ways. From online shopping, making contacts with others, doing business, finding solution, learning new things as well as many other things.
Internet is just a collection of computers that has been networked together. Nobody knows how many computers are attached to the Internet. The gap or the distance has been shortened by the invention of technologies by invention of transportation, telephone, cell phone to a certain level. Now, with the advent of computer technology aided by the Internet the world certainly has become a village.
I sometimes get amused there are some people who don't know much about computers (even the basics) but they do no how to chat in Internet. Internet thus has just let people those who don't like to attach with computers be associated with it. Internet is just about anything meeting new people, reading news, sharing our own views with the world, watching a live video boardcast, listening radio, buying gifts to loved ones and more. Even earning a money online has become a new business venture.

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