Thursday, December 6, 2007

Leading a happy life

There are many things in our life which are attractive and more appealing to our eyes. We humans develop our greed to such elusive things and want all of them for ourselves. In reality we can't get whatever we want so we all are leading an unhappy and unpleasant life. We are seeking for happiness and want to spend our earnings to get it. Yet we never realize that happiness resides within us.

To lead a happy life the very first thing to learn is to stop being greedy and selfish. The desire to have everything for him/ herself takes us to the world of sorrow and discomfort. If you want to lead a happy life enjoy and have fun with whatever you have. Give importance to your allies and families. They will be standing there in every situation of life. The greatest and happiest moment you will realize when you are down and out they lend you their shoulders and lift you up. So make best friends and happy family so they return you all the happiness that you are seeking

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