Monday, December 24, 2007

Getting proper Education

Education is a means which makes a human understand the world and its behavior properly. A well educated man and uneducated man doesn't have the same way of thinking. Education brings in a new perception in our mind but an uneducated mind has some ignorance hidden within. So whenever a big decision has to be taken most of the times our education helps us. In some cases only our natural instincts can take us in better way.

Getting proper education is a must for all. This is not a problem in case of developed countries but a huge one in case of underdeveloped countries where literacy rate is very low. As they don't even get proper food to live with they don't have any more thing to think of other than surviving. They will remain in the same position for years as they cannot educate and they don't know the value of proper education. So, it's unfortunate that people are living such a life and there are some who are getting all the facilities they can get.

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